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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - want


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 I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse vanta; akin to Old English wan deficient  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1. to be needy or destitute  2. to have or feel need never ~s for friends  3. to be necessary or needed  4. to desire to come, go, or be the cat ~s in ~s out of the deal  transitive verb  1. to fail to possess especially in customary or required amount ; lack the answer ~ed courtesy  2.  a. to have a strong desire for ~ed a chance to rest  b. to have an inclination to ; like say what you ~, he is efficient  3.  a. to have need of ; require the motor ~s a tune-up  b. to suffer from the lack of thousands still ~ food and shelter  4. oughtused with the infinitive you ~ to be very careful what you say — Claudia Cassidy  5. to wish or demand the presence of  6. to hunt or seek in order to apprehend ~ed for murder  Synonyms: see desire  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. deficiency, lack suffers from a ~ of good sense  b. grave and extreme poverty that deprives one of the necessities of life  2. something ~ed ; need, desire  3. personal defect ; fault  Synonyms: see poverty
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  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a (often foll. by to + infin.) desire; wish for possession of; need (wants a toy train; wants it done immediately; wanted to leave; wanted him to leave). b need or desire (a person, esp. sexually). c esp. Brit. require to be attended to in esp. a specified way (the garden wants weeding). d (foll. by to + infin.) colloq. ought; should; need (you want to pull yourself together; you don't want to overdo it). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by for) lack; be deficient (wants for nothing). 3 tr. be without or fall short by (esp. a specified amount or thing) (the drawer wants a handle). 4 intr. (foll. by in, out) esp. US colloq. desire to be in, out, etc. (wants in on the deal). 5 tr. (as wanted adj.) (of a suspected criminal etc.) sought by the police. --n. 1 (often foll. by of) a a lack, absence, or deficiency (could not go for want of time; shows great want of judgement). b poverty; need (living in great want; in want of necessities). 2 a a desire for a thing etc. (meets a long-felt want). b a thing so desired (can supply your wants). Phrases and idioms do not want to am unwilling to. want ad US a classified newspaper advertisement for something sought. Derivatives wanter n. Etymology: ME f. ON vant neut. of vanr lacking = OE wana, formed as WANE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) недостаток 2) необходимость 3) нуждаться 4) потребность 5) требоваться 6) хотеть ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) нужда, потребность, необходимость 2) бедность 3) отсутствие 4) спрос и предложение • - be in want of - coincidence of wants - consumer wants - daily living wants - fall into want - for want of - human wants - live in want - luxurious wants - necessary want - physical wants - satisfy a want - social wants - supply a want - want ad - want for - want of goods - want of money - want of stock 2. гл. 1) испытывать недостаток 2) терпеть нужду, бедствовать, жить в нужде WANT 1. сущ. 1) общ. недостаток for want of smth. — из-за недостатка, нехватки чего-л. to be in want of smth. — нуждаться в чем-л. The plant died from want of water. — Растение погибло от недостатка воды. 2) общ. необходимость to be in want of money — нуждаться в деньгах I am in want of a good dictionary. — Мне нужен хороший словарь. 3) общ. потребность, желание, жажда my wants are few — мои потребности невелики We can supply all yours wants. — Мы можем удовлетворить все ваши запросы. Syn: needI1 4) общ. нужда, бедность The family was perpetually in want. — Семья пребывала в постоянной нужде. 2. гл. 1) общ. хотеть, желать what women want — чего хотят женщины So you want to find a job or change jobs, but you don't know where to start. — Итак, вы хотите найти или поменять работу, но не знаете, с чего начать. 2) общ. испытывать недостаток (в чем-л.) He certainly does not want intelligence. — Ума ему не занимать. He never wants for friends. — У него всегда было много друзей. 3) общ. нуждаться Let...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. (of) недостаток, отсутствие (чего-л.) for (from) want of smth. —- из-за недостатка (из-за отсутствия, из-за нехватки) чего-л.; за неимением чего-л. want of common sense —- отсутствие здравого смысла, легкомыслие want of judgement —- необдуманность; необдуманное решение want of appetite —- отсутствие аппетита want of wind —- безветрие want of rain —- бездождье the plant died from want of water —- растение погибло от недостатка влаги your work shows want of care —- вы работаете недостаточно внимательно 2. (of) потребность, необходимость, нужда (в чем-л.) to be in want of smth. —- нуждаться или испытывать потребность (в чем-л.) I am in want of a good dictionary —- мне нужен (мне необходим) хороший словарь to be in want of money —- нуждаться в деньгах the house is in want of repair —- дом нуждается в ремонте 3. нужда, бедность to live in want —- жить в бедности (в нищете) to be reduced to (to fall into) want —- впасть в нищету 4. обыкн. pl. желание, стремление, потребность my wants are few —- мои потребности невелики we can supply all your wants —- мы можем удовлетворить все ваши запросы 5. геол. эрозионное замещение 6. хотеть, желать he wants to go —- он хочет уйти he wants me to go —- он хочет, чтобы я ушел I want you to copy this letter without any mistakes —- пожалуйста, перепишите это письмо без единой ошибки he wants adventure —- он ищет (жаждет)...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) недостаток (of -  в); for/from want of smth. - из-за недостатка, нехватки чего-л.; to be in want of smth. - нуждаться в чем-л.  2) необходимость (of -  в)  3) oft. pl. потребность; желание, жажда; my wants are few - мои потребности невелики  4) нужда, бедность; the family was perpetually in want - семья пребывала в постоянной нужде Syn: destitution, indigence, penury, poverty, privation Ant: affluence, opulence, plenty, prosperity, solvency, wealth  2. v.  1) хотеть, желать  2) испытывать недостаток (в чем-л.); he certainly does not want intelligence - ума ему не занимать; it wants ten minutes to four - без десяти четыре; he never wants for friends - у него всегда много друзей  3) нуждаться (тж. want for); let him want for nothing - пусть он ни в чем не нуждается  4) требовать; he is wanted by the police - его разыскивает полиция  5) испытывать необходимость; быть нужным, требоваться; you want to see a doctor - вам следует пойти к врачу - want for - want in - want off - want out - want up Syn: covet, crave, desire, wish see require WANT for разыскиваться (о преступнике); Doesnt he look like that man whos wanted for the jewel robbery? WANT in  а) хотеть войти; Open the door, will you, the cat wants in.  б) хотеть пригласить, позвать кого-л.; Mother wants the doctor in, but I dont think its as serious as that. WANT off хотеть выйти (из автомобиля); I must ring the bell, I want off at the next stop. WANT out coll. хотеть выйти; the dog wants out собака просится на улицу WANT up хотеть встать (с...
Англо-русский словарь
  (wants, wanting, wanted) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you want something, you feel a desire or a need for it. I want a drink... Ian knows exactly what he wants in life... People wanted to know who this talented designer was... They began to want their father to be the same as other daddies... They didn’t want people staring at them as they sat on the lawn, so they put up high walls... He wanted his power recognised... I want my car this colour... And remember, we want him alive. VERB: no cont, no passive, V n, V n, V to-inf, V n to-inf, V n -ing, V n -ed, V n n, V n adj/prep 2. You can say that you want to say something to indicate that you are about to say it. Look, I wanted to apologize for today. I think I was a little hard on you. VERB: no cont, no passive, V to-inf 3. You use want in questions as a way of making an offer or inviting someone to do something. Do you want another cup of coffee?... Do you want to leave your bike here? VERB: no cont, no passive, V n, V to-inf 4. If you say to someone that you want something, or ask them if they want to do it, you are firmly telling them what you want or what you want them to do. I want an explanation from you, Jeremy... If you have a problem with that, I want you to tell me right now... Do you want to tell me what all this is about?... I want my money back! VERB: no cont, no passive, V n, V n to-inf, V to-inf, V n adv/prep 5. If you say that something wants doing, you think that it needs to be done. (mainly BRIT INFORMAL) Her hair wants cutting. = need VERB: no cont, no passive, V -ing 6. If you tell someone that they want to do a particular thing, you are advising them to do it. (INFORMAL) You want to be very careful not to have a man like Crevecoeur for an enemy... = ought VERB: no cont, no passive, V to-inf 7. If someone is wanted by the police, the police are searching for them because they are thought to have committed a crime. He was wanted for the murder of...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v (not usually in progressive) 1 »DESIRE« to have a desire for something  (I want a drink. | What do you want for your birthday? | want to do sth)  (Do you want to go to Kay's party? | want sb to do sth)  (I don't want Linda to hear about this. | want sth of sb formal (=want someone to do something))  (I wish I knew what he wanted of me.) 2 »NEED« to need something  (Do you still want these magazines, or can I throw them out? | want to do sth)  (You only want to use a little glue. | want sth done)  (I want that letter typed today. | what sb wants with sth (=what someone needs something for))  (What do you want with a tool kit? | want doing especially BrE informal (=need to be done))  (The carpet really wants cleaning.) 3 »ASK FOR SB« to ask for someone to come and talk to you, or to come to a particular place  (You're wanted on the phone.) 4 »SHOULD« spoken especially BrE ought or should  (want to do sth)  (You want to see a doctor about that cough.) 5 »LACK« formal to suffer because you do not have something  (In many poorer countries, people still want basic food and shelter.) 6 want in/out informal a) especially AmE to want to go in to or out of a place  (The cat wants out.) b) to want to take part in a plan or stop being involved  (If you want out, say so now.)  (- see also wanted, wanting, waste not, want not waste2 (7)) 7 I want/I don't want  (I want a new coat. | I don't want to go out tonight.) 8 what do you want? used to ask, often in a slightly rude way, what someone wants you to give them, do for them etc  (What do you want now? I'm busy. | What do you want - chocolate or vanilla?) 9 do you want...? used when offering something to someone  (Do you want a drink? | Do you want me to come with you?) 10 who wants...? a) used to say that you do not like something, do not think that it is worth doing etc  (Who wants to go to a noisy disco anyway?) b) used when offering something to a group of people  (Who wants a cup of coffee?) 11 if you want used when someone suggests doing something, to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Westmoreland Assists Native Talent radio st. abbr. FM-98.9, Lebanon, Tennessee ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1200, from O.N. vanta "to lack, want," from P.Gmc. *wanaton. The meaning "desire, wish for" is first recorded 1706. Wanted "sought by the police" was originally slang, in use by 1812. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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